My favourite books

 This is a list of my favourite books.
***This list is ongoing as I believe I will always learn something new till the day I die & one of the methods is through reading a good book :) You are welcome back any time to see it grow...

1) The Bible

2) THINK AND GROW RICH - Napolean Hill

3) The 5 Major Pieces To The Life Puzzle - Jim Rohn

4) The Five Love Languages - Gary Chapman

5) The Compound Effect - Darren Hardy 
6)  As A Man Thinketh - James Allen

7) Having It All  - John Assaraf 

8) The Uncommon Wisdom of Oprah Winfrey ( a Potrait in Her  Own Words) - Edited by Bill Adler

9) The Seasons Of Life
- Jim Rohn

10) Success:Full Thinking (Tapping into the Unlimited Resources of Mind) -Justin Belitz, O.F.M.

 11) The Answer  - John Assaraf  (CURRENTLY READING)
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